Pizza 4P’s Phan Kế Bính

Takashi Niwa Architects is Vietnam and Japan based architectural office with architects of variety of nationality. By the design approach of “Visualize the values”, the firm designs from small furniture to big symbols, from interior to the urban plannning and from private space to public space. The aiming of the approach is to create the best of environment and culture to bring more meaning for the users, clients and the society. They always cooperate with many stakefolders to create such meaningful projects. The approach with careful consideration on environment and culture will be very important for Asian city to provide more meaningful and grateful space. And they believe that it will maximize the investment for future.
Cast iron is widely used as a fence in typical Vietnamese houses. This familiar local material is recognized as a symbol of a garden. To use this unique feature, a curtain-like façade made out of cast iron was installed beside the glass wall. The cast iron is selectively designed with leaf and flower motifs to give the atmosphere of a garden. They are then arranged according to the window position to provide a unique view out to the street trees. It also filters the public street from the private dining space.
The restaurant layout is centered around the open kitchen with signature pizza ovens, acting as the main anchor. A special garden experience is achieved by the ellipse firebrick wall which surrounds the dining space and garden.