Pizza 4P’s Landmark 72

1st Floor, Keangnam Hanoi Landmark 72 Building, Me Tri Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi
ODDO architects - Architectural firm based both in Vietnam and Czech republic. The practice is led by partners marek obtulovic, nguyen duc trung and mai lan chi obtulovicova. Their work aim is to improve our living environment and to emphasize cultural background in the projects. They mainly focus on sustainability, implementation greenery in cities, community projects with the local spirit. They attempt to re-create forgotten relationship of humans with nature no matter of the size of projects...
Originating from clay, brick is a material commonly used in construction since the 2nd Century, during the ancient Champa Kingdom. Nowadays, the heritage of brickwork by the Champa Kingdom can be easily found at the Central of Vietnam, especially at the My Son Sanctuary. Impressed by the beauty and durability of the brick as well as the Vietnamese tradition of craftsmanship, Pizza 4P’s modernized the brick curved walls in the form of The Flying Cylinders at our store
Highlighted at the center of the restaurant are many flying cylinders with different sizes and levels. This design hopes to bring different feelings to diners sitting, walking and eating below. The flying cylinders also create an ambiguous boundary between private space and public space around, which helps every diner feel comfortable yet stay connected with each other.