Kitchen Championship 2023, a transnational internal competition has just taken place successfully with the participation of super chefs from North, Central, South, and Cambodia. This is not only a competition, but also an opportunity to bring the talent and effort of our Kitchen Partners to light, have fun together and spread the “fire” to each other.
Going through two qualifying rounds with the contest’s theme of 4P’s menu items, the judges’ choices varied from Salads, Soups to Appetizers; and finally found the top 10 best contestants to advance to the final round. Can you guess what the final exam topic was
That’s Carbonara! The most challenging part of making Carbonara is when adding in the egg yolks. The goal for Carbonara is achieving the smooth and creamy texture. To make this, our Kitchen Partners must be completely careful with the time, and heat. If the heat is too high, the egg yolk is scrambled, but if it’s too low, there should be an odor. Therefore, the quality and taste of the dish depend greatly on the skill and experience of the chef. Checkpoints are finalized based on 4 main evaluation criteria:
– Total time of the whole process
– Arrangement and presentation
– Quality of dishes (taste, balance, temperature..)
– Attitude and hygiene
Let’s join 4P’s to welcome the reigning champion of the first season – Ms. Le Thi Hien, from Pizza 4P’s Hoang Thanh Tower branch, and congratulate all the amazing performances of our Partners from other branches. You all contributed to making this season of Kitchen Championship 2023 a complete success!
We will try to create more internal events to not only bring joy and camaraderie to each Partner’s workspace but also a way to motivate chefs to constantly Kaizen and improve their skills – one of our core values – to ensure the quality of each dish served to guests